Code of Ethics

Ethical Framework for Web Designmyethichs onadiva

In every industry, the agents  who choose to operate with transparency and honesty have to define and adopt a set of ethical guidelines that govern their business activities. As a professionals Web developers, we choose to  adhere to the following code of ethics:

  • We will deal honestly and fairly with my clients at all times, making every effort to deliver work within the estimated time frame and budget.
  • We will insure, to the best of our ability, that the information we publish on behalf of our clients is true and complete and is not in any way misleading to potential customers.
  • We will not knowingly distribute information that is in any way deceptive, defamatory, libelous, or scandalous; nor will we assist clients in defaming their competition.
  • We will not share information about our clients with any third parties except as provided for in their privacy policy.
  • In the event that one of our clients want to terminate their association with us, We will promptly provide the client with the information needed to move their sites or domains upon receipt of their request and payment of any balances due.
  • We will not participate in the distribution of unlicensed or pirated software (“warez”) nor work on any site that encourages intellectual property theft or copyright violations, nor knowingly use or assist a client in using any plagiarized or stolen content, nor in any other way violate another person’s intellectual property rights.
  • We will not utilize or distribute “spyware” in any form.
  • We will not use repeating windows or “loops,” nor code that disables the browser’s “Back” button, nor any other technology that attempts to “trap” a visitor into a site or to view a page for a longer time than desired by the visitor.
  • We will not participate in “Web rings” designed to artificially increase search engine popularity ratings.
  • We will not utilize deceptive, excessive, or “black hat” search engine optimization techniques.
  • We will not utilize pop-up windows, pop-under windows, or other intrusive technologies for advertising purposes.
  • We will not participate in any activity having as its intent or effect the artificial inflation of Web site statistics to increase advertising revenues, or for any other reason.
  • We will attempt to use the simplest code that will produce the desired result, utilizing advanced scripting technologies only when necessary and when their use enhances a site’s effectiveness and/or the visitor’s experience.

For more information, please feel free to contact us.